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Payment Service

Payment in Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB) is always one of the problems of businesses/individuals when they purchase goods in China. INElogi is a one-stop logistics solution provider, our team are always ready to assist our customer in solving their problems from product sourcing to doorstep delivery. Payment service is a service that we provide. Our team is able to pay on behalf of our customers in RMB to their suppliers or China domestic delivery fee.

Processing Fee

* Processing fees will be imposed every time when a customer uses our Payment Service only.

How to Use INElogi Payment Service?

Step 1: Contact our customer support team at +6011-6271 3131 via WhatsApp or WeChat to check the exchange rate of the day. Cut off 1 pm daily*

Step 2: INElogi team will let you know the currency exchange rate of the day, and you will be instructed to complete the payment.

Step 3: Once you are done with the transaction, send the details below to our customer support team.

  1. Pay for Product Value
    • Transaction Receipt
    • Reference Number
    • Transaction Amount (Example: RM100 to ¥154)
    • China’s Supplier Bank Name
    • China’s Supplier Bank Account Number
    • China’s Supplier Bank Name
    • Customer Marking

  2. Pay for China Domestic Fee
    • Transaction Receipt
    • Reference Number
    • Transaction Amount (Example: RM100 to ¥154)
    • China Domestic Delivery Order Number/Tracking Number
    • Your order number from the INElogi website
    • Customer Marking

Step 4: Once we have confirmed that the payment has been received, the INElogi team will arrange payment according to your request and send the receipt to you within 1-3 working days.


  • If the customer has not informed us of the unpaid China domestic delivery fee to pay on behalf of the customer, the warehouse will reject to receive the goods with the outstanding China domestic delivery fee.
  • All transactions must be completed within the same day. The exchange rate might be different for every day*.

  • Need us to
    pay on behalf?
    Interested to purchase
    from China?