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Tutorial - Ship For Me

How to Use Ship For Me

1. Account Registation/Login Tutorial

1. Account Registation/Login Tutorial

2. "One-Click Ship For Me" Chrome Extension Installation Tutorial

3. Warehouse Address Setup Tutorial

4.1. Fill in Product Information Tutorial (Using One-Click Ship For Me Chrome)

4.2. Fill in Product Information Tutorial (By Filling in Product Details)

4.3. Fill in Product Information Tutorial (By Upload Excel File)

5. Top Up Tutorial

6. Arrange Delivery Tutorial

Step 1: Warehouse Address Setup

  1. Go to INElogi website (https://www.inelogi.com), login to your account.

  2. Go to “My Account”, click “Warehouse Address”.

  3. Go to 1688/ Taobao website, login to your account.

  4. Go to “Delivery Address Management”
    a. 1688 [My Account > Delivery Address Management]

    b. Taobao [Account Setting > Delivery Address]

  5. COPY the warehouse address & detail from INElogi website, then PASTE at 1688/ Taobao.
  6. Set INElogi warehouse address as default address.

Step 2: Buy at 1688/ Taobao

  1. Search and buy the products at 1688/ Taobao and make payment.
  2. Please make sure the warehouse delivery address is INElogi warehouse during checkout.

  3. Step 3: Fill in Products Information

    Method 1: One-Click Ship for Me (Recommended for Much Products Order at 1688)

    1. Click “SHIP NOW” on the drop down of MY ACCOUNT tab at navigation bar.

    2. Install Google Extension. Click to install.

    3. Go to 1688/Taobao website “Bought Item” page:
      a. 1688 [My Account >Bought Item]
      b. Taobao [My Account >Bought Item]

    4. At the product that you want to ship, click “Add Parcel” (Product will sync to INElogi “Ship for Me” page).

    5. Go to INElogi website. Click “SHIP NOW” (products & logistics information that you sync from 1688/ Taobao will be shown at this page).
    6. Select the “currency for the price of product (RMB)”, then click “Submit” (The page will turn to the “Product Order” page).

    Method 2: Fill in Product Details (Recommended for Less Products Order)

    1. Go to 1688/ Taobao website “Bought Item” page:
      a. 1688 [My Account >Bought Item]
      b. Taobao [My Account >Bought Item]

    2. Copy the tracking number & product details.

    3. Click “SHIP NOW” on the drop down of MY ACCOUNT tab at navigation bar.

    4. Fill in the product details & tracking number that have been copied.
      a. Product Name
      b. Seller
      c. Express Company
      d. Express Number
      e. Product Quantity
      f. Total Product Price
    5. Select the “currency for the price of product (RMB)”, then click “Submit” (Page will turn to “Product Order” page).

    Method 3: Upload Product Detail by Excel File (Recommended for Bulk Purchase)

    1. Go to “Ship for Me” page at the right side of the header.

    2. Click "Download Excel sample.
    3. Open the excel file and fill in the product information. Note: Yellow marking column is a MUST fill information. Please DO NOT delete any column in the excel file. Please leave it blank if those columns that you do not have information to fill in.

    4. After filling in the product’s information, save and upload it to INElogi website.

    5. Once uploaded, please check if the product information shown was correct.
    6. Select the “currency for the price of product (RMB)”, then click “Submit” (Page will auto jump to “Product Order” page).

    Step 4: Arrange Delivery

    1. Go to the “Product Order” page.
    2. Select product that wish to be consolidated into one parcel. Click “Submit Delivery Order”.

    3. Choose the receiving delivery address and delivery method, then click “Submit” (The page will turn to the “Delivery Order” page).

    4. On “Delivery Order” page, your parcel will show the as below:
      • Pending: Goods are pending for INElogi team to buy/ arrange.
    5. When all parcels in a Delivery Order have arrived warehouse, status will change to:
      • Wait to weight: Consolidated Parcel is pending for INElogi team to weight.
      • Wait for payment: Parcels have been weighed & consolidated, pending customer to make payment.
    6. You will receive a notification email when the parcel is pending for payment.
      *Please check Junk/Spam folder if it doesn't appear at inbox.
    7. Make payment and wait for your parcel to arrive.

    8. You may check the status of the parcel on “Delivery Order” page with the status below:
      • Wait for Deliver: Waiting INElogi team to ship out your parcel.
      • Delivery: You parcel has been shipped out.
    9. After receiving your parcel, click "Received" on our system.

    Install One-Click Ship For Me! Can INElogi helps to buy?